Trust The Lord To Fight Your Battles

Joyce Meyer in one of her online recorded broadcasts brought this passage to my attention:

Exodus 14:14 The Lord will fight for you, and there is no need for you to do anything.

What that means is that holding your peace and remaining at rest is dependent on you having your trust in Him and so you need to be in faith.

This is a helpful passage particularly for people who have had anxiety in the past ( as I have) and for whom, everything can be going great, until just the smallest of knocks can impact their equilibrium and affect their outlook, make them want to shut away, put up the defences so that the world cannot hurt them.

But this is the wounded little child that is leading here, and it is the active pursuit of peace, and of trust in God that can turn it around, so that the person leading is someone confident of who they are in Christ, and not the little wounded child anymore.

It is also essential for those who might have had a dependence on clairvoyants and readings to allay their fears of what will happen tomorrow, does so and so really hate me, will it all be okay tomorrow, to turn to God instead. What He has to offer is the real deal, what the former has to offer, is further anxiety, potential addiction and dependency and increasing involvment in darker spiritual areas which can be a terrible place to be.  I used to get readings when I was unhappy and worried which to be honest was pretty much all the time underneath, and always felt really bad about it afterwards.  It had become an addiction which didn't help me at all, had me believing in rubbish and twisted truths and affected my ability to maintain equilibrium and dignity.

But when I get affected by something nowadays, although I might initially feel a little upset about something, I am better at getting in early, and getting to God. And, the reward, oh my goodness the reward of peace and calm in the Lord in a situation which would have previously had you frantically worrying and not eating properly, is a really big deal ... But you have to be aggressive in taking hold of your peace and must play your part:

1 Peter 3 11  They must turn away from evil and do good; they must strive for peace with all their heart.

By becoming whole and staying in peace when the little knocks come, you can grow in the Lord and you are better able to love and serve Him despite what comes up becauser you trust in Him to meet your needs


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