The Submitted Testimonial Of Louise Anne Lister for 13th February 2011

I was brought up Catholic but never experienced God.  From a young age I struggled with anxiety, compulsive behaviours and low self-esteem giving rise to depression.  It got even worse when I started seeking help. I turned to counsellors, hypnotherapists and the occult, none of which improved matters and the latter made things worse resulting in addiction and emotional isolation.

Last summer, I was invited to a friend’s baptism. Whilst there, and totally unexpectedly, God addressed me personally. He told me that He loved me. I found myself consumed by an unconditional love greater than I could imagine. I tried to fight Him. I told Him I was not worthy and He replied “But I love you Louise…” His declarations continued until finally, I could no longer fight it. Tears came to my eyes and it was everything I could do to physically restrain myself from sobbing loudly in front of everyone.

Since then, I have come to love God as my Father and Guide. I am no longer bound by destructive habits. I am not the person I was. God is my reassurance that everything will be ok. I want my baptism to physically represent my commitment to Him forever.


  1. Lovely. Simple and moving. God bless, Louise.
    Are you enjoying your post-Alpha course?

  2. Beta..! Well I've only made one session so far due to work but I plan to make a weekly attendance and I am on a trip to South Africa with the chuch to help out a charity in July so am throwing myself more into it which is nice... things seem very unknown now - which is in part scarey, as I am used to trying to control my life and now Someone Else has the driving seat, but really when you let go, however scarey, it is the only way to go...


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