How God Walked Me Through My House Move Part 2

A little more on the events on my house move. Having had a friend go halves with me on my old house, we set about the legal process of transferring half my equity to him, releasing my deposit and putting my old house out to rent as well as doing repairs on my old place with my friend. There was no slack in the process, the timing was tight, maybe a little over two months... and halfway through I was subject to huge stress but managed to stay relatively calm, calling out to God to help in this way.

At one point, I had arranged for the council to pick up a fridge/freezer and a mattress, I had squeezed it into my tiny porch, with the understanding it would be picked up the following day. It wasn't, there were potential tenants coming around to view my house the following week and my property was not very accessible. So I rang for them to be picked up privately and thsi was done. I requested money back from the council saying I had done so and still they sent someone around! That day I made sure my house looked just right, because there were a few viewings that evening, so I left my house for the evening. Then didn't hear from our lettng agent until a few days later... to find out she didn't know where my house keys were and had cancelled the viewings and could she have another set!

In the meantime, her office had rung me to say she was on holiday and they had a couple of guys desperately looking for a house and could I show them around! After initially agreeing to I rang to cancel feeling a bit concerned at the prospect of complete strangers looking around my house.

That weekend I decided to cancel my arrangement to go elsewhere and requested the agent cancel any future viewings. I cried to God that I couldn't take much more of it and I distinctly was given the impression that it was almost over. I also had the impression I had to stay firm in my resolve. And indeed I was subject to voicemail and email pleading that I would not relinquich my business. It was in my thoughts to give the beneit of the doubt but I remembered the words I had been told, and was the advice was to protect me, as desite respectfully requesting that viewings be cancelled the agent hadn't done so, and shortly afterwards one evening random strangers just started turning up at my house to be shown around!!!


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