If you don't like it change it ... That, and, more notes from my community

I started today feeling a bit stressed. This week seemed to be filled with distractions - none of them bad in themselves, generally self-imposed, but I felt like I needed space.

In the morning I went out with a friend, and it turned out she had a wedding the next day and  it turned out that her message of the day from Christian radio was if we felt our schedules were too busy then to change them.

She also had a lot on so the message was relevant to both of us and we ended up at hers afterward and I ended up accessorizing the dress I was going to wear with things borrowed from her to keep me warm because the weather is still nippy. I also checked out what she was going to wear but she definitely didn't need my help with that because she has a lovely sense of colours and what works with what!

The only thing I ended up buying was the shoes but everything else was something old ( of mine - as in the dress) and something borrowed. There was only the one thing that was new ( the shoes) and afterwards I definitely felt less blue mainly because I spent less money and it took up less time!!!

... I digress ...  It seems that somehow I will try and find a way to reach out into my community and provide food in some shape or form and pray they will come to know just how much Jesus loves them. And so after one knock back on location and I began to think one morning of a place I had given an old lady to recently, and I decided to find out about it and ring up and it turned out that place was free.

The place was in the areas with specific geological characteristics and based on things my friend was telling me that seemed to confirm the location it seemed to be the right place but we went to make sure.

Sometimes a decision can fill you with inner peace of knowing you are on the right path, and after prayer in the neighbouring church we felt good about the place, and so I rang to book it.

It was available and is now reserved. We have ideas, I hopefully will have friends from house group who will partner with Father God with me, and we have a plan of what we would like to do.

So we are stepping out for Jesus so that He can claim more of How own.

So now I just need to pray that I don't end up on my own in a big village hall drinking tea behind a big mound of cake.



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