Lost in Translation

I went to my first ever Church breakfast today, and, I know, to be invited is a privilege, but I am ashamed to have felt slightly whingey about it, mainly because it was so darn early ( well for me and at a weekend), and I am not great first thing in the morning, I stagger around like an uncoordinated troll until I have managed to wallop back a good strong mug of coffee. It is my own fault largely, I don't go to bed as early as I should do, something which I feel God is trying to sort out in me, mainly because you cannot do the best for Him if you are walking around feeling tired and relying on caffeine to get compus mentus... And, I noticed it too, I would be feeling passionate about an area we covered and then I would start thinking like I really coud do with a nap...  No more prayer breakfasts without a proper kip the night before!

...That being said, after indulging in a litle whinge about the early morning, I did in my heart really want to go, and I learnt about something that touched me. A couple of there who led the meeting were involved in Wycliffe Bible Translators, returned to the UK after working in Senegal. It amazed me that over 300 million people do not have access to the stroy of God's love for His people. Actually it's heartbreaking, that they don;t have the opportunityt to know His love. We have so much at our disposal  - Bibles are so easy to come by here and it's so easy to take that for granted. I know I do.

I was touched to hear about the people who sacrifice time, their jobs and money to walk in faith with God for support in such an important commission - and how great it is to be able to offer prayerful support. So I think an early night for me so I can pray further on this tomorrow and allow the Holy Spirit to aid me in the best possible prayer for the support and protection of this work.

Somewhere in the Bible ( still dont know it well enough yet )  I recall it saying something along the lines of if at least two people agree in something in Jesus' name it will be done for you. Perhaps if any of you stumble across this post and are equally touched we can add to the numbers that pray for this commission.

The organisation itself has some requests for the kinds of  prayers it would find helpful.

And while I am here, here's a video....

Dear Father,

I pray that every tribe and every nation will have the opportunity to hear of You and Your Word.

I pray for this in Jesus' Name.

Love Louise


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